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Writer's pictureAkshita Veda

Become a MOON MEMBER with the Power of Tr3 🎉

When you become a MOON MEMBER with The Power of Tr3, prepare for a massive internal shift, doors will begin to open, wounds will be revealed and brought to the surface for healing and opportunities will be created for you to step into your power!

Together, we will bust your life path wide open, while making deeper connections in your relationships and most importantly within yourself. Each month we meet virtually for a private 1:1 yoga session and reiki healing, and for an hour once a week to dive deeper into your journey and the energies surrounding your life at this time. I will break down what’s going on in your life so that you have a higher understanding and give you tangible advice for ways in which you can proceed for the highest good of everyone involved. I give you the insight and the power to decide your fate. I will also break down your entire week ahead, providing detailed descriptions of what’s to come and the best ways to handle it. I create a container and hold space for you to release, relax, and restore in. I also create time for spiritual teaching, for any questions you may have about your path, spirituality, and life in general. You are your only limit during our time together.

To top it all off you also receive a MOON BOX (value of $77) delivered free right to your home each month which contains all of the spiritual tools and trinkets you need to be successful on your ever unfolding path!

If you’re already a regular client or just looking for more out of life, I highly suggest taking this first step toward unlocking your inner magic!

To learn more follow the link below or click the link in bio! Feel free to DM with any questions!

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