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Connect to your inner child and play the day away!

Writer's picture: Akshita VedaAkshita Veda

As I was in meditation I was guided to connect with the light of my inner child, after consciously doing so I felt lighter, more joyful, a curious excitement. As a collective we are ascending but it’s not an upward ascension it’s an inward one. We are returning to our core and this includes a return to our truth. As we inscend we are simultaneously dredging up the muck that we’ve picked up over the years. Diving through every false layer that we’ve dressed ourselves in to assimilate into this society. The material things and ideals that we once clung to for security are being removed, which can feel quite uncomfortable especially if you are still clinging. Do not run from this uncomfortable place, instead dive deeper into it so that you may find true understanding which will bring the peace you need to let it go.

Forgiveness is the main emotion that I’m feeling, forgiving yourself for putting up with less than you know you deserve and forgiving others for dishing it out. You are being “washed”/prepped for a new more fulfilling life! Spirit wants you to set your sight higher than what you’ve been because there is literal magic surrounding your energy and this magic is being pumped out by your inner child, they both want you to know that there is something better for you, that there is MORE!

You haven’t been paying attention to the red flags they’ve sent to redirect your vision and your path, you haven’t been following your passion and your joy enough!! It’s time to start doing that! Spirit says stop waiting until you get more information because in truth you have all the info you need NOW. No more procrastination when it comes to living a life that makes you really truly happy deep down. The doors that are beginning to open to you are leading you toward your truest and highest path, the people from the past who are returning are here to help light the way also, walk this path with faith.

It is time to choose your path, Dream a beautiful new life into existence for yourself. Start by writing it out on paper, say it out loud after you’ve written it as though it’s already yours. You deserve to have your happily ever after, the universe is conspiring right now to give it to you in ways you cannot even fathom yet, but if you aren’t clear you send mixed signals and the universe can’t deliver on that.

Find clarity and pay attention to your triggers, the things that make you feel sad or unworthy right now are being released, the people who leave you drained and annoyed, these are RED FLAGS, cautioning you, showing up to help move you so that you don’t have to experience anymore trauma drama. So that you can live out the rest of your human days in bliss and full of passion and life! If you’re reading this then you’ve done the work already, you know that everything outside of you is a direct reflection of what’s inside of you, now you must put the lessons you’ve learned to use, fight off those negative thoughts by seeking to understand the fear that’s associated with them, fear of being vulnerable, fear of being hurt, fear of failure. All these fears are illusions that are stuck in your subconscious mind and are being healed now by the divine. So surrender and take everything one step at a time. As we fly high so too do we dive low. This won’t last forever. Connect to your inner child and play the days away in order to gain a higher perspective.

The mind doesn’t serve you if you are a servant to it, stay optimistic about love, career, and where your journey is now taking you, because you are re-aligning to your highest timeline and that my friends is absolutely beautiful!!


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