Once you awaken to your personal truths you also begin to carry a certain amount of responsibility. You now understand that If you want more peace in your life you have to first BE the peace. Oftentimes that means making a choice to be the bigger person. Especially in those difficult relationships we’ve had with others. You start to see your role more clearly and it becomes easy to understand that your disagreements are merely projections of internal struggles. Check in, what’s the story that you’re selling yourself in that moment?
Many are awakening and it’s so beautiful when you begin to realize what part of your story is playing out, because now you can be an active participant, now you can choose to not only heal your wound with higher understanding but afford the opportunity to heal another’s wound too, by being and bringing the peace. By detaching and simply being a mirror. When you become the mirror, the issues get reflected back to sender and back to self, where there is now no choice but to see it for what it is. Once you see it you can start your quest toward understanding it. Once you understand it, you’re on the path to freedom.
We are all each other’s mirrors and our hearts are busting wide TF open, this is going to be uncomfortable but absolutely necessary to build the strength we have within. It’s a true heart awakening and we are only on the cusp of it.
There is a fresh start waiting for you today, an opportunity to heal a wound from a past relationship (possibly multiple). Those ones with which you’ve given and given and given again to with little or nothing in return. Those ones that you just can’t shake. You are being granted a choice of renewal or freedom. This is an opportunity to set yourself free for good so choose wisely. Learn your lesson. Follow the signs and synchronicities today to know which ties to sever and which to renew. No ego here, leave the hurt in the past and keep with you those undeniable lessons, because you can’t grow yourself if you don’t know yourself, this is an opportunity for growth. See people for who they really are. See your role and how you may have contributed to the disharmony and be the light. Accountability and responsibility is on the menu today. Being accountable for ourselves and holding a responsibility to be the bigger person always. This doesn’t mean you disrespect your boundaries, no way! You simply have an open mind and heart so that you can free yourself from this bondage that this relationship holds over your life, not just romantic but family, friends, platonic even. It will be different for everyone so use discernment.
Look inside to see what grudges you’re still secretly hoarding and clean the mess. See it from a new light. Send love to everyone involved, and move on.
Your relationship with yourself is about to deepen and I feel balance and peace being restored within, weightslifted, and sudden revelations but it’s going to take strength and forgiveness to really breakthrough. You’re on the path to what’s always been true and real. This is the freedom path. Love.