What does it look like to surrender to your own divinity? To feel into yourself more. In what ways can you let go and trust? When we take time to create spiritual space, through meditation, alone time, walks in nature, we inadvertently give our true selves permission and opportunity to be present with us. Do you know who you are and what you want out of life? I can promise you that you do, even if you aren’t consciously aware of it. Deep down, underneath all of those feelings, experiences, emotions... you have a core you, and this you is breaking free. So surrender to the free fall, because in truth you are falling back into who you always were. That precious, gifted, strong spirit that has been hindered by the human experience is rebirthing now. Apart of you may be afraid that you don’t have what it takes to endure the road ahead. Apart of you is still deep in past emotions which only lead to more confusion and more fear. Don’t be nervous. Take big leaps, because spirit is MOVING. You have absolutely nothing to fear. Close your eyes, place your palms up toward the sky and whisper “I surrender”, take a deep breathe in and notice how you feel? There is peace in solitude and you get to this sanctuary by realizing that you never needed anyone other than yourself. You are already whole and you are ready for this adventure down your soul path.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is active today, you have drive and ambition, stay confident and follow your destined path to create the life you want. It’s ok. You deserve this. Know that and surrender to the opportunities awakening inside of you.
It is time to take your power back. Breathe in a sunshine yellow stream right into your belly button and say to yourself “I call all of my power back to me now”.
Remember, being alone simply means you are all one.
Enjoy your day soul friends 💛💛💛💛