I am so sorry I’m not able to be with you as we begin this beautiful journey into expansion and empowerment of the Divine Feminine. I did however, ask Spirit what energy should be acknowledged this evening for this specific group of women embarking on this powerful journey together. I received two answers, the first came in the form of Ganesha, God of new beginnings and remover of obstacles. The Second was Satya which means truthfulness in Sanskrit, it is one of the 5 yamas or virtues. We are being asked to understand that this journey that we are beginning together is blessed, we have received the green light from the Gods :) This new venture is going to bring great joy and we will be successful. I see this group paving the way toward truth for the divine feminine as a collective, peeling layers of inauthenticity that have been placed on the masses by societal conditioning. We will pave the way home for so many beautiful souls by helping society understand, unlearn, and evolve. In order for us to do this properly, we have to first start by asking ourselves the hard questions, because in order to heal others we must first heal ourselves. Am I living my life with the highest integrity? Where in my life do I still have room to grow? Have I been sharing my knowledge and wisdom freely? Am I giving generously and compassionately? We are being asked specifically to write an honest list of how we are doing in various aspects of our lives presently, including career, relationships, community service, wellness, and spiritual practice. Making note of the areas which need a little more effort. This is a call for truth, looking into each area of our own lives and making sure the people and energy we consistently support are in alignment with our highest selves. Allowing all that doesn’t make the cut, to fall away gracefully. We lead with action, starting with ourselves. As we continue on this journey toward the truth and step into a new paradigm of being, seeing, and thinking, focus your energy on the things that make you feel like you are living your truth. Are your relationships in line with who you are at the moment? What masks am I still wearing to feel loved, secure, and significant? It is time to remove the masks so that we can show up the way the collective so desperately needs. As we take these steps toward our own Satya, Ganesha will begin his work removing any obstacles that might interfere with this blessed path.
The numerical vibration of this reading is 13 which is also the number of the Death card in traditional Tarot. The 1 signifies a new beginning, the 3 signifies expansion, teamwork and communication, and the 4 signifies moving into a space with more stability and security. We are letting go of the things which do not serve us any longer so that we can elevate into a higher version of ourselves, making us better equipped to enlighten others who are going through the same oppression we have all onced faced. Embrace the death of the old you now, that version cannot journey with you on this path.