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Writer's pictureAkshita Veda

Keep dying!! Keep realizing!! Stay accountable and love without conditions always!

What does it look like to fully love yourself and your life in this now moment?

Waking up to your truths can be scary because it means coming face to face with your demons, but when you recognize them for what they are and call them out, they can’t harm you anymore.

Here’s an example:

I once had an idea of what my life should look like, a good education, a stable source of income, a marriage, a happy home, that Disney princess happily ever after dream...pretty simple right? What I hadn’t noticed is that I already had expectations in my mind of how these things had to show up, & it was lodged in my subconscious mind like a rent free roomie. When things or people didn’t show up how I thought they should I felt like I was failing somehow and this created struggle in my mind and difficulty in my life. I had to learn to see through my own BS stories in order to obtain freedom from my own beliefs. My truth that I had to awaken to was that everything I ever truly wanted came, it just didn’t come in the package I was preconditioned to think it would, it actually came in a prettier one, but in order for me to fully realize it, I had to be open to letting things be different, I had to open my heart to different ways of learning and loving, I had to let go of expectations and conditions & I had to recognize my ego which wanted to keep me comfortable and stagnant. This was probably the scariest and hardest part of my spiritual journey, the multiple deaths I had to experience within myself over and over and over until all that was left standing was ME raw and vulnerable, with the power of a thousand deaths behind me. I felt so much pain and cried so many tears throughout my life for things I now see as the most beautiful blessings. I am forever grateful to the adversity in my life.

Your belief systems, preconceived notions, conditions for which you live and love are the most influential and oftentimes the most detrimental part of creation. You can either create from love or fear. Most of the ideals that we have been taught from early on are fear based. Learn to see from a lense of love in all things and you will have the perfect life always. It takes effort, you have to really use your head and gain control of your mind, but it is the path to true enlightenment and that my friends is priceless.

Keep dying!! Keep realizing!! Stay accountable and love without conditions always!

(SN: I actually did a 20 page paper in college about how destructive the entire Disney princess concept is to young women’s psyche, it’s extremely crippling to condition young girls in the way Disney did when I was growing up, that has since changed which I am happy to see!)

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