Can you feel this energy?! It feels like emotional liberation! Hearts are stirring. Our hearts are pouring out, and reflection is pouring in. You are getting closer to merging with your soul. Your truest essence. Your core self is pure love energy and it is cultivating within you a bond that can never be broken. This is about wellness and this is about oneness. It can feel unfamiliar because for so long you were TOLD who you where, you were isolated from this pureness by ego, doubts, fear, and the illusion of separation. OH but I feel great new beginnings toward real COMPASSION, DEEPER FEELINGS, and true UNDERSTANDING. You are wriggling out of the mental traps that use to bind and blind you. You are escaping once powerful self limiting thoughts and regaining control of your life, how you create it, and how you sustain it and yourself.
Stand up in love for yourself and for others. Your feelings are valid and deserve recognition.