Now is such a creative time, but it's easy to miss out on the magic with all this crazy energy going on. When you are being pulled in a thousand different places mentally, how do you find your focus? Meditation, yoga, and journaling help me so much. Also going outside in nature or simply visualizing myself in a peaceful place, deep in the woods, near flowing water. This always brings me back to my center. It's important that you have a way to recharge your batteries. A way to get out of your head, get out of your roles, and into your heart. Whether that's focusing on the breath, drawing, singing, dancing, whatever calls to your spirit.
I highly encourage you to find some stillness each day, to get away from the distractions. Sit still for a moment, with no expectations but to be, and see what comes up for you. Psychically, intuitively, naturally....who knows, you may accidentally find something good!
There are dueling forces at play and it's important that we cultivate some balance with these opposing energies. Grab the reins of our lives and direct this energy toward manifesting the life we want for ourselves personally and spiritually. The DM is leading us through karmic lessons with love, boundaries, friendships, and choice and these are changing us on a deep and fundamental level but we have got to unite these energies with the DF which is still powerfully fueling our dreams, introspection, creativity and insights as we learn more about who we truly are. We are being asked to take more accountability for our actions because cause and effect is real and if we aren't acting with integrity then we risk creating even more imbalance.
This time that we have been granted will not last forever, so enjoy the stillness while you can because soon we will be moving back into that fast paced, interactive, day to day experience where its much harder to see the subtlety of nature and natural law, where spiritual experiences are easily overlooked. So utilize this space and create your own little pocket of sunshine where you are led by unity, love, nature, and spirit. All of the changes taking place in the world are out of your control. So focus on what is. Express your love freely to the ones closest to you, take time for yourself to be able to reflect.
Find a higher perspective on your current situation. You can do it! I know you can! Expect SERENDIPITY today.