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Writer's pictureAkshita Veda

This is a beginning not an end. Your soul is breaking though!

Take care with your choices, actions, and relationships as we move through a big release to realign. When you begin to search for a more emotionally fulfilling life, that life begins to search for you too. Sometimes this comes with serious disruptions to your present circumstances, abrupt endings, and truths revealed. It's when the masks become too heavy and you have no choice but to keep it real, sharing your joys and your sorrows with complete honesty. It may initially come with fear, confusion, arguments, and pain, so that you can pinpoint the disharmony. In order to correct it, you have to know what it is, and whats more, you have to be willing to try to understand it. Ask yourself the hard questions- What am I really afraid of in this moment? What story am I attaching to in love and in life?

In the coming days the pressure will be on when it comes to our choices and our closest relationships- Turn your EGO off, release your guilt, let go of judgment (because lets be honest we all fuck up sometimes), and see through the eyes of compassion-try to see the inner child in everyone you have difficulties with and ask yourself what their really calling out for- to be seen? to be loved? to be heard? to be comforted? It's not your job to heal them, we can only heal ourselves. It is your job to not get defensive but to act and react from a place of awareness. The problems that you are facing are unresolved issues that you each are projecting. As they come up they grant you the opportunity to heal it for your souls growth. You have to be willing to let go attachments to those old stories.

Your anger holds you hostage but when expressed properly it can be your greatest catalyst for real healing. Deep down what you're feeling is grief and that grief comes from a feeling that love is lacking in someway in your life, in the moment it feels very real, but this is an illusion created by some part of you that is deeply misguided, love is bountiful and overflowing always, but I can't just tell you that, you have to discover it for yourself and when you do you'll be surprised at how little anything outside of yourself has an effect moving forward. In the coming days you will be asked to examine your belief systems, the ideas you have of what life should be, and how they got there- look into your childhood, start with your parents-specifically your relationship with your mother. What will be birthed through this cycle is going to be uncomfortable, but it is necessary for your deepest and truest desires to be fulfilled. This is the last of that which holds you back from claiming this life as your own and fully stepping into your power. You will need to be strong, and your truest strength is in being vulnerable with yourself first and others.

Embrace these changes, no matter how disruptive they are and regardless of how they show up- you will never be given anything you can't handle and start opening yourself up to a different version of your life to be had. One that is unmistakingly YOURS! A life you no longer have to question with people you trust. So hold on tight, I feel this energy culminating on October 24th, pay attention to your relationships this day and heed the advice. Check in with your inner child, see what's being yearned for in those triggering moments and give it to yourself. Your greatest love story is the one that you have with yourself.

Its going to happen no matter what, so release your control, listen to that inner guidance, and lean on what you know rather than what you think you know.

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