You are building a house, and the house is you. You want this house to be built on solid foundations, and you want this house to be built around love. Everyone has a story and the mission here is to build your house around your specific skill set. In order to be able to fully enjoy this new structure when its built, we have to make sure its storm proof. To accomplish this, we have to travel through our karmic lessons mentally and any emotions associated with these lessons on a real fundamental level. INTROSPECTION. That way, when angers, fears, triggers, pop up later on, your structure is safe because you know who you are and who is for you. There are emotional connections to our experiences. This type of healing (shadow work) will create a sorta healing pocket for that anger to calm itself in later on so we are able to move through the energy much more easily and with more understanding. It's a journey! Especially with our relationships but also with our beliefs and feelings about who we are.
This journey back to self is forcing us to realize that parts of ourselves that we may have discounted early on are actually very necessary. That no one can tell you who you are! Only you know this answer. That there is no right or wrong, good or bad, everything just is and it all boils down to your own perspective. We are un-caging ourselves and relearning how empowering it is to take our power back! Simply by knowing who you are. It's not easy because you have one part of you saying you are this and other parts saying you are that, its about combining these opposing forces and uniting them to create the best version of yourself for YOU, not for anyone else. This is how you find balance.