Endings and beginnings. The old must be released so that the new can enter. The energy today will hit you all at once and may even feel like a rollercoaster ride. Stop and smell the roses & lean on your closest relationships for support as you release whats no longer serving and prepare for real freedom. I'm hearing to rely on vitamins and healthy food and to SLOW DOWN. You have been working so hard and have attracted the situation you find yourself in and it is here to bring balance and liberation into your world, it is a huge opportunity to connect with a higher part of yourself, the part that knows the way through, and to receive clear guidance as to who to keep and who to release. You have to trust that its all working out in your favor, and above all you have to accept things for what they are. The more you are able to want what you have, the more you can fully see and enjoy each moment you've been blessed with presently, especially for those with children as I feel fierce protection over young ones and there needs to be a push toward more gentle loving. It can't be all about material in your world anymore, you have to look deeper now. So many are exhausted and are tunnel visioned on goals, money, business and you are being cautioned to not give up because you are approaching the next phase of that but to also pay closer attention to the red flag warnings you are receiving from your guides as you have been overlooking the gifts that are right before you. Don't give up but give yourself a break before YOU break.
I feel alot of deep emotions resurfacing and many are doing a lot of healing through dreamwork. I also feel alot of past demons being slayed! Your inner warrior is here and helping you slay! Yay! Pay attention to your dreams right now as they are insights into parts of yourself which still need TLC and your higher self and guides are helping you release these uncomfortable experiences. You will feel this intuitively when you wake up in the morning, that something went down throughout the night. Have no fear, it is your angels helping to release some deep & dark issues and they love you so much, you are protected. Set an intent to connect with your guides as you sleep and keep a dream journal over these next few weeks as some of those red flag warnings will be delivered while you are in meditation and sleep.
Overall today you need silence, you need a break, stop forcing and pushing and just flow, let the day take you where you are meant to go and handle each situation one moment at a time, coming from a centered place will help you see more clearly, especially when dealing with issues or challenging energies. LOVE CONQUERS ALL! Remember that when you pass from this world, all you take with you are the memories you've shared with those you love, use today to create more memories. This is how you will see more progress materially, by taking a mental break, disconnect and accept yourself, your life, and everyone in it. Don't just accept it, trust it, know that this is where you are meant to be and this IS the blessing. It's already here. Have the courage to enjoy what you have today.
No Fear! You are safe. Disconnect to reconnect. Archangel Michael & Goddess Kali Ma are here helping to release those difficult attachments that are near and dear to your heart. Trust the process. Warrior energy is prevalent so be cool but also stand your ground.
Peace and Wisdom.