Only you can change your life. You are ready for something NEW and the energy supports this! Its time for you to trust those feelings and thoughts that have been telling you that its time to head in a new direction. This will bring in some uncomfortable feelings at first, remember you run your mind, it does not run you. What it will ultimately bring back to life is your self control. There are so many chaotic energies surrounding you, and your job right now is to harness these energies and let them propel you forward. I feel the solar plexus coming online (belly issues is a sign of resistance, let this energy flow in and accept it). This energy will really be helping to ignite that fire inside that says YES I CAN-to ignite that ambition and drive. There are two rights of passage you are being tested on, your ability to trust in yourself and your ability to take back your life! You deserve to be and have all that your heart desires and these are the first steps toward your true happiness, in health, wealth, and love.
In order to fully step into this energy you will have to take time away from society. Unplug for awhile, disconnect from the world and enjoy the time that you have right now to be able to do this. If you are brave enough to change direction right now, move ahead with those work out plans, business ideas, and creative ventures, you will not only start to feel that spark of life restore in your heart (I feel sooo much love of self coming in), but you will also begin to spread those new wings that you've worked so hard this year to grow. This energy feels like a rebirth. You are already a butterfly, in truth you always have been, and now it is time to take those necessary steps to fly, everyone's steps are different depending on their personal goals- I am hearing discipline, and self control. Self protection equals self perfection. It will be scary because you feel like you don't have what it takes, you arent sure that you can, but your brain is so so powerful, more than you can imagine, and your faith will take you far! You have done it all before and will be successful, so take a chance on yourself and be disciplined. Your focus is important right now but also setting clear goals, as you need to know where you are headed in order to eventually arrive. Follow the dreams you have for yourself. No judgment! Dont worry about anyone else, this is a personal journey. No more being a spectator in life, it is time to LIVE, see the world for what it is and let yourself BREATHE. Health is a big focus here and as you know health is the real true wealth, set little goals so that you don't become overwhelmed and make healthy choices and decisions. Above all take everything one step at a time.
We are all apart of a greater story and right now its about becoming the hero of your life. There are so many wonderful blessings moving in as we find ourselves again, but not with out control and order. You're ready for this, make a plan, focus, real in these scattered energies by having self control. This is such a beautiful and positive energy entering in retreat and prioritize your needs vs wants. You are cultivating so much light within and as you exit this phase you will be such the LIGHTHOUSE.
Take time away from the world to regain yourself. The world will always be there, you wont miss anything thats for you.
Love to you all as I heed the advice and go into my own Hermit mode to reflect, learn, and grow.
I will continue to post when I can but will ultimately be unplugging for awhile, as I ride these new waves entering.
Peace. Love for self. Love for knowledge of self.